
At Avanath, we believe that social policies can positively affect and expand opportunities for the people we serve and employ. We are committed to the prosperity of: Our Residents, Our Communities, Our Employees.

our residents

our residents icon

our communities

our communities icon

our employees

our employees icon

We recognize that social change represents both risks and opportunities for our company, and we understand the role that safe, affordable housing plays in the social fabric of the communities we serve. For over a decade, we have been a leader in social programming for the affordable housing industry, and we continue to demonstrate how impactful our social programs and policies are to the health and wellness of our residents. Through a strong foundation in diversity, equity, and inclusion and a wide range of social programing, we are able to fulfill our mission to provide lifestyles within reach.

Goals and Objectives

  • Fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment through employee training and data tracking

  • Conducting resident and employee satisfaction surveys biannually and sharing the results

  • Fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment through employee training and data tracking

Our Approach

Avanath promotes positive social change for our residents and our communities. The programs outlined below are designed to offer methods to stay active, opportunities for learning, ways to participate and engage, and inclusive services and assistance for those who need it most. We have begun tracking participation in these programs and are using the data to refine and improve our program offerings.

Resident Engagement

Providing our residents with an affordable, healthy, and inclusive environment is a core priority for Avanath. We offer an extensive package of programs to educate and engage residents. From finance classes to translation services, and ways to get creative and active, there is something for everyone. Learn about Avanath’s resident engagement programs* by hovering over the icons in the sidebar at the right.

Other key actions Avanath is taking towards our goal of providing residents with better education, wellness, and social opportunities.

  • Resident surveys conducted biannually to measure satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement
  • Vocational and financial training offered to adult residents, along with programs to help them buy their first home or start a small business
  • Residents and Community Health and Wellness Program activities
  • Resident socials, onsite mobile health units, and resident community meetings
  • Free vaccine shots distributed to residents, and safety protocols implemented during COVID-19 pandemic
barber grooming older man


Resident Engagement in 2022

Click the icons below to learn more!


Resident events hosted


Residents supplied with resources & referral support


Youth program participants


New credit scores established

virtual fitness class icon

Wellbeats Virtual Workouts

virtual fitness class icon

Wellbeats Virtual Workouts

Access to 1,000+ wellness classes including virtual fitness, nutrition, and mindfulness for all ages and ability levels.

healthy lifestyles icon

Activate Healthy Lifestyles

healthy lifestyles icon

Activate Healthy Lifestyles

Program to establish on-site wellness facilities in our senior housing communities that can administer health exams and offer health education classes.


Language Translation Services


Language Translation Services

Written and verbal communication assistance for residents for whom English is not their first language.

after school programs icon

After School Programs

after school programs icon

After School Programs

Mentorship, STEM enrichment, annual Summer Youth Program, and tutoring opportunities are provided for our young residents.

arts and crafts classes icon

Arts and Craft classes

arts and crafts classes icon

Arts and Craft classes

Fun classes for residents that help to develop new skills, encourage engagement, and spark creativity.

financial literacy and wellness icon

Financial literacy and wellness

financial literacy and wellness icon

Financial literacy and wellness

Financial and vocational training offered to adult residents to help develop a resume, prepare to buy their own home, or start a small business.

computer technology training icon

Computer technology training

computer technology training icon

Computer technology training

Training classes for our senior population to introduce technology tools and assist with set up of new computers, iPads, and cell phones.

Transportation for senior and disabled residents icon

Transportation for senior and disabled residents

Transportation for senior and disabled residents icon

Transportation for senior and disabled residents

Free transportation services to assist senior and disabled residents getting to doctor appointments, the grocery store, and community events. In 2021, 320+ rides were provided.

Community Participation

The communities in which our employees and residents work and live are an important component to our promised Lifestyle Within Reach. Avanath offers a number of ways to involve the community and invest in its future, including youth sports, voter education, and community forums.

Below are actions* that Avanath is taking to improve our community outreach programs and volunteer opportunities.

  • Food and holiday toys donated to local community organizations
  • Community meetings organized for community wellness and engagement
  • Resident and Community Health and Wellness Program activities
  • Volunteer hours and employee participation in charitable giving or other philanthropic initiatives is measured

*resident and community programs and initiatives vary by property and community

activate launch party


Community participation and support

Click the icons below to learn more!


Community organizations partnered with


Meals served through meal program partnerships


Children provided with youth programming every month on average (10 properties


Toys, socks, and holiday meals donated

Employee Development

Our employees’ hard work provides the basis for Avanath’s success. We are dedicated to ensuring that our employees are supported and have educational opportunities so they can provide the best service and care to our residents. We strive to offer fair wages, challenging and fulfilling work, benefits, as well as a safe and inclusive work environment.

Below are actions that Avanath is taking to ensure our workforce is diverse, healthy, trained, and provided with opportunities for professional development.

  • Training hours per employee tracked to confirm professional training is completed
  • Employee survey conducted biannually to measure satisfaction levels and identify areas of improvement
  • Employees have access to the Avanath Academy, an online platform with more than 180 training modules on topics from ESG to Section 8 housing
  • Formal performance evaluation and goal setting process is conducted to help employees progress in their careers.
  • Free vaccine shots distributed to employees, and safety protocols implemented during COVID-19 pandemic
  • 100% of employees are trained in Avanath’s ethics/code of conduct policy
  • 100% employee participation in diversity and unconscious bias training
  • Employee demographics tracked by age, gender, and race
avanath employees


well health-safety rated logo


We recently earned a WELL Health-Safety Rating across our entire portfolio. A subset of the industry-leading WELL certification program, this evidence-based rating provides third-party validation of the health and well-being practices that we have adopted at our properties. It is the first step in our journey for eventual WELL certification for our buildings.

Our Strategic Social Partners

For the full list of our social partners, please view our Strategic Social Partners PDF.

Learn more about our policies and programs on the ESG Overview, Environmental, Social, Governance, and ESG Policies pages.